The Church of God UA | Knoxville Food Pantry is an outreach ministry designed to meet the needs of our local community.
Knoxville's Food pantry
(monthly schedule)
12:00p - 2:00pm
There are many opportunities for church members to serve in the Food Pantry. During pantry hours, roles include: greeters, paperwork, shopper escorts, and stockers. Serve monthly or as your schedule permits.
*For questions or to volunteer, contact the Food Pantry Coordinator Freddy Smith at (865) 455-8018.
Canned soup, dry or canned beans, pasta noodles, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables, rice, corn muffin mix, canned fruit, fresh produce, eggs, flour, meat, canned tuna, and canned chicken.

The Food Pantry partners with Second Harvest Food Bank and relies on your support. Donate today!

Give on Sundays
3428 Keith Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37921

Set up a one-time contribution using PayPal
**Because we are a tax-exempt nonprofit, your contribution is tax deductible. If you require official proof of your donation, please contact the Church Secretary at knoxvillecogua@gmail.com.